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Антиалкогольная кампания по-южноафрикански

It's been a bloody weekend across South Africa as 15 people were shot dead at a local tavern in Nomzamo Park, Soweto, leaving nine people critically injured in hospital.

Meanwhile, four people have been killed and another eight are in a critical condition after yet another tavern shooting, this time in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

Both incidents come just weeks after the Enyobeni Tavern tragedy, a shebeen in East London, Eastern Cape, where 21 people died on 26 June.


They came in with the intention to kill - Gauteng top cop on tavern massacr…
It's been a bloody weekend in parts of the country as 15 people have been shot dead at a local tavern in Nomzamo Park, S…
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Телекоммуникационный канадский гигант Rogers сообщил в пятницу утром о неисправности. Кроме частных клиентов компании, которые остались без телефона, интернета и сотовой связи, пострадали многочленные корпорации, банки и государственные структуры.

В Канаде приостановлена работа Interac платежей, нарушена работа общественного транспорта, в некоторых городах, например Торонто, даже сервисов быстрого реагирования 911 – скорой помощи, полиции и пожарных.
Телефоны налоговой инспекции Канады не отвечают.

Недоступным стало даже последнее государственное изобретение – обязательное теперь приложение для путешественников ArriveCan.

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Общеканадская авария сотовой связи вызвала остановку многочисленных сервисо…
Общеканадская авария сотовой связи вызвала остановку многочисленных сервисов в стране
Наша Газета – новости Монреаля и Канады,…NASHMONTREAL.COM
Роджерс снова в строю. Почти. Но не совсем. Но скоро всё наладится
Телефоны, Интернет, Интерак потихоньку возвращаются к жизни. Роджерс божится, что к полудню субботы всё и везде будет ра…
Деловой Монреаль - Новости Канады и Монр…WWW.WEMONTREAL.COM
Rogers CEO apologizes for massive service outage, blames maintenance update…
The outage, which lasted more than 15 hours, affected mobile and internet users — preventing calls to 911 services in so…
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В ходе опроса, проведенного компанией Nanos Research по заказу CTV News, у канадцев спрашивали их мнение о том, находится ли Канада на правильном пути к достижению двух целей: построению единой страны и созданию процветающего будущего.

Половина опрошенных считает, что Канада находится на неправильном пути к объединению страны, по сравнению с 22%, которые считают, что она находится на правильном пути.

Мужчины чаще считают, что Канада идет по неправильному пути - 55,4%, чем женщины - 45%.

Молодые канадцы (18-34) чаще говорят, что Канада идет по неправильному пути - 58,2%, за ними следуют 35-54 (53,2%) и 55 и старше (41,7%).

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Половина канадцев считает, что страна движется по неверному пути
В ходе опроса, проведенного компанией Nanos Research по заказу CTV News, у канадцев спрашивали их мнение о том, находитс…
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Большинство финнов одобряет внешнюю политику и политику безопасности, проводимую правительством. Таковы результаты опроса Фонда муниципального развития.

63% финнов поставили внешней политике и политике безопасности и обороны оценки “очень хорошо” и “довольно хорошо”. Результаты борьбы с коронавирусом получили “очень хорошие” или “довольно хорошие” оценки от 58% финнов.

Больше всего недовольства у населения вызывают состояние экономики страны, а также социальное и медицинское обслуживание. В обеих этих областях 42% финнов дают правительству “плохую” или “очень плохую” оценку.


Финны одобряют правительственную внешнюю политику и политику безопасности
Плохие оценки получили состояние экономики страны, а также социальное и медицинское обслуживание.
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Many of those surveyed by Ipsos across 28 countries overstate their country’s contribution to hosting refugees, with one-third (a global country average of 33%) thinking their own country is one of the top three taking in the most refugees worldwide.

Misperceptions are most prevalent in Sweden (49% of Swedes think their countr is among the three hosting the most refugees, but its true rank is 26th), Italy (48% of Italians think it is in the top 3, true rank 35th), and Canada (46% of Canadians think it is in the top 3, true rank 34th).

On average globally, only one in seven (15%)know that Turkey is in the top 3. In 2021, Turkey hosted 14% of internationally displaced people, despite being home to only 1% of the world’s population. Only 5% globally picked Colombia, which is second, although 26% correctly chose the United States (ranked third).

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Evgenia Rashevsky on MeWe
Happily married grandmother

Ваня, не надо быть экспертом. Я к этому выводу пришла в начале войны, оценив экономические и людские ресурсы с обеих сторон. На одном патриотизме войну не выиграть. Переданная Украине помощь на самом деле не велика, и мало что меняет. Готов ли Запад воевать с Россией за Украину и собственным населением за Great Reset одновременно - большой вопрос. И похоже что - не готов. Иногда мне кажется, что эта война позволяет многим Западным лидерам просто отвлечь внимание населения от собственной коррупции и списать большие деньги.

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Польский консервативный журналист и политик реагирует на происходящее в Нидерландах

То, что мы имеем сейчас, — это еще одна фаза воплощения идеологических концепций в жизнь и, таким образом, столкновения этих концепций с жизнью. Это просто выходит за рамки воображения. Я думаю, что те сцены, которые мы сейчас наблюдаем в Нидерландах, будут повторяться и в других местах, — заявила в интервью TVP Info главный редактор «Nowe Państwo» Katarzyna Gójska.

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Katarzyna Gójska: 'The Netherlands is a testing ground'
'The Netherlands today is such a testing ground where different ideas are being tested. We are seeing this now. The Dutc…
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Living in a new era of uncertainty

Social media, with its higher concentration of unverified news content and louder, less nuanced perspectives has a role to play in declining trust. One of Europe's biggest challenges will be to combat the spread of misinformation to avoid undermining the stability of governments.

Recorded trust in institutions such as national governments, the EU, the police and news media has declined across the EU over the past two years, with those who previously expressed higher trust levels, such as those in financially secure positions, now becoming less trusting. Declines in trust are being driven, in part, by the spread of misinformation on social media, and take place in the context of high levels of inflation, rising energy costs and increasingly difficult economic circumstances.

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The Euro continued to fall on Wednesday, hitting a new 20-year low below US$1.0200 and is on track to reach the cash level (1.0000) soon on growing concerns that Russia may cut off supplies of gas to Europe, contributing to the entry of the Eurozone into recession, which would make it difficult for the ECB to carry out its planned policy of raising interest rates to control record inflation.

The single European currency fell below $1.0200 to $1.0170 on Wednesday, a new low for the euro since December 2002.

Euro/dollar chart

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The Euro deepened its Drop to a new 20-year Low below $1.0200 - Novinite.co…
The Euro continued to fall on Wednesday, hitting a new 20-year low below US$1.0200 and is on track to reach the cash lev…
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64-летняя Инг-Мари была убита в Альмедалене

В среду вскоре после 14:00 женщина получила ножевые ранения. По подозрению в преступлении задержан 33-летний житель южной Швеции.

В среду вечером полиция провела пресс-конференцию, на которой было объявлено, что женщина примерно 60 лет скончалась от полученных ран.

Позже вечером организация «Муниципалитеты и регионы Швеции» (SKR) подтвердила, что убитой женщиной является 64-летняя Ing-Marie Wieselgren. Она работала психиатрическим координатором SKR.

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64-åriga Ing-Marie mördades i Almedalen
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
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Dutch Police Open Fire on 16-Year-Old Farm Boy

The police arrested three people during the farmers' protest. They are suspected of attempted manslaughter, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) announced on Wednesday.

The three suspects include a 46-year-old man from Opsterland, and two Heerenveen males aged 34 and 16. All three were still in custody Wednesday afternoon.

The suspects were arrested after a police action in which targeted shots were fired. Images of the incident are circulating on social media, including the bullet hole. A video shows that officers appear to be on the road with guns drawn.

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Three farmers arrested for attempted manslaughter; Police warn against publ…
The police arrested three people during the farmers' protest along the A32 highway near Heerenveen on Tuesday. They are …
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The Constitution provides for three branches of government, sharing sovereign power. In fact, we have a fourth branch, the sprawling administrative bureaucracies.

The left sees Washington’s administrative apparatus as “rule by experts,” essential for controlling a technologically complex society. Their preference is for the modern equivalent of Plato’s philosopher-kings, people who understand the population’s needs far better than the people themselves.

Conservatives (and populists) place no faith in philosopher-kings and certainly not in mid-level bureaucrats, mostly trained in law school. Conservatives see the engorged administrative state as undemocratic and, hence, illegitimate.

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Reining In the Fourth Branch of Government | RealClearPolitics
The Constitution provides for three branches of government, sharing sovereign power. In fact, we have a fourth branch, t…
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These are the victims of the Fourth of July parade shooting in Highland Park
  • Irina McCarthy, 35 and her husband Kevin McCarthy, 37, of Highland Park
  • Nicolas Toledo-Zaragoza, 78, of Morelos, Mexico
  • Katherine Goldstein, 64, of Highland Park
  • Stephen Straus, 88, of Highland Park
  • Jacquelyn “Jacki” Sundheim, 63, of Highland Park

The seventh person has not yet been identified by authorities.


These are the victims of the Fourth of July parade shooting in Highland Par…
Here is what we know about the victims of the shooting.
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A 22-year-old man identified as a person of interest in a shooting during an Independence Day parade in suburban Chicago that killed at least six people, wounded at least 30 and sent hundreds of people fleeing was taken into custody Monday evening following an hourslong manhunt, police said.

A photo of the suspect, identified as Robert E. Crimo III

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The secret treaty between Iran and Belgium on the exchange of prisoners is facing growing criticism

The treaty would mean the possible release of the Swedish-Iranian scientist Ahmadreza Djalali, who was arrested during a working visit to Iran six years ago and is accused of espionage, for which was sentenced to death in October 2017.

However, saving Djalali would also grant freedom to Assadolah Assadi, the mastermind behind a failed terrorist attack in France on an Iranian opposition organisation, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), for which he was sentenced to 20 years in prison in Belgium.

The leader of the Flemish separatist N-VA party, Theo Francken, called the agreement with Iran “criminal”.

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MEP Márton Gyöngyösi was elected the new chairman of opposition Jobbik at the party’s congress on Saturday.

“Considering that Hungary currently has no real nationalist and conservative party,” Gyöngyösi said he was determined to lead such a party.

He promised to develop Jobbik as a pro-Europe party. “I would like Jobbik to be an intellectual home and community for everyone pursuing democratic values and proud of their home country,” he said.

It was Gyöngyösi back in 2012 – well prior to the formerly radical right-wing Jobbik’s alleged repositioning into becoming a center right party – who urged the government to draw up lists of Jews who pose a “national security risk.”

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Following Internal Clashes Nationalist Jobbik Elects New Leader
MEP Márton Gyöngyösi was elected the new president of opposition nationalist Jobbik at the congress of the party on Satu…
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Offensive and vulgar chants against the European Union and Bulgaria were heard last night during the second protest in front of the Macedonian government building against the French proposal to start negotiations for the Republic of North Macedonia for EU membership.

"Bulgarian fascism is a European value", "EU, f*** your mother", "Lice", "Tatars", "Bulgarian fascists", "Europe supports supremacy". These were just some of the posters.


Bulgaria has refused to recognize the existence of a separate ethnic Macedonian nation and a separate Macedonian language. It argues that the ethnic Macedonians are a subgroup of the Bulgarian nation, and that the Macedonian language is a Bulgarian dialect.

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Bulgaria–North Macedonia relations - Wikipedia
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The Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day or July 4th—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.

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