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Google subsidiary Jigsaw will launch a campaign next week to tackle misinformation in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic about Ukrainian refugees, based on research by psychologists at two British universities.

Working with Jigsaw, psychologists from the universities of Cambridge and Bristol created 90-second clips designed to "vaccinate" people against harmful content on social networks.

The campaign is designed to build resilience to anti-refugee narratives in partnership with local NGOs, fact-checkers, academics and disinformation experts.

The spread of misleading and false information in the United States and Europe through social media networks has led various governments to push for new laws to stop disinformation campaigns.


Google is starting a Campaign against Disinformation in some EU Countries -…
Google subsidiary Jigsaw will launch a campaign next week to tackle misinformation in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Rep…
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Authorities in the Netherlands were investigating the death of a baby at the country's main reception center for asylum seekers in Ter Apel. The child died during the early morning hours on Wednesday.

Residents of the Ter Apel facility were reportedly shocked by the death of the baby, and were being offered support. Staff members were also shocked by the occurrence.

State Secretary Eric van der Burg, who handles the country's asylum policy, also said he was "deeply shocked" by the death.

Parliamentarians were horrified by the death of a baby in the sports hall at the asylum registration center in Ter Apel.

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Швеция, Хельсингборг: в результате стрельбы убит молодой человек

В ночь на четверг был застрелен мужчина лет 20. Его доставили в больницу, но спасти не удалось.

Убийство произошло в крупном спортивно-оздоровительном комплексе города.

«Тревога прозвучала вскоре после часа ночи, когда несколько человек позвонили и сказали, что слышали «несколько частых выстрелов», — говорит дежурный офицер полиции Южного региона Андреас Халтинг.

Прибыв на место, патруль обнаруживает тяжелораненого человека. Скорая помощь доставила его в больницу, где он скончался от огнестрельных ранений.

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Paris has decided to make more visible its commemoration of the St Bartholomew massacre of Protestants 450 years ago on 24 August 1572, by renaming a park in the city centre.

The St Bartholomew massacre is a black spot on French history, with few public commemorations. The City of Paris decided to commemorate the start of the massacre by renaming a park in the centre of the city and dedicating it to the victims.

On 24 August 1572, on the festival of St Bartholomew, Parisian Catholics hunted down and killed nearly 3,000 Protestants, known as Huguenots.

The massacre then spread across France, leaving between 10,000 and 30,000 Huguenots dead.

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Paris commemorates St Bartholomew massacre, 450 years later
Paris has decided to make more visible its commemoration of the St Bartholomew massacre of Protestants 450 years ago on …
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Arkady Alexandrov

За гуманизм и дело мира бесстрашно борется сатира

События последних нескольких дней как-то не вызвали у меня желания высказаться по их поводу, тем более что о существовании самой Дарьи я только из этих новостей и узнал. Но сегодня, почитав комментарии Невзоровых-Шендеровичей и некоторых других властителей российских «либеральных» умов, не могу не зафиксировать для себя очередную стадию их оскотинивания.

Во-первых, они считают, что насильственная смерть — это оправданное наказание за неправильные слова и мысли.

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Leading Italian presidential candidate, Giorgia Meloni, has been criticised for sharing footage of the rape of a 55-year-old Ukrainian woman who was attacked by a migrant from Guinea.

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83 years ago, on 23 August 1939, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Minister of the Third Reich, and Vyacheslav Molotov, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, signed the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact with a secret additional protocol, which resulted in the Fourth Partition of Poland.

August 23 marks the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism, established on the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact anniversary.



The infamous Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was signed 83 years ago
83 years ago, on 23 August 1939, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Minister of the Third Reich, and Vyacheslav Molotov, Pe…
Black Ribbon Day - Wikipedia
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ЦРУ опубликовало Индекс Тотальной Фертильности за 2022 год


На первом месте с большим отрывом страна с совершенно невозможным названием Нигер. Женщины в среднем рождают там 6.82 ребенка. Далее следуют Ангола (5.83) и Конго (5.63). Вообще африканские страны занимают первые 25 мест и лишь на 15 место втиснулся Афганистан с скромным индексом 4.62.

Последние 3 места в списке занимают успешные дальневосточные страны:
Тайвань - 1 08
Южная Корея - 1.1

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Евро к шекелю за 2 месяца

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Inflation in the euro area in July was at the highest level measured in the last 25 years for which data were collected by Eurostat

The European Statistics Office (Eurostat) has released annual inflation data for the European Union (EU) and Eurozone for July.

Accordingly, annual inflation in the Eurozone, which was 8.6 percent in June, rose to 8.9 percent in July.

Annual inflation in the EU, which was 9.6 percent in June, became 9.8 percent in July.

In July, inflation was:
23.2 percent in Estonia,

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The Netherlands has expressed its disapproval of the Israeli raids of Palestinian civil society organizations on Aug. 18. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a joint statement expressing "deep concern" alongside eight other countries on Friday.

Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Sweden joined the Netherlands in the statement, calling the raids "part of a worrying reduction of space for civil society in the Occupied Palestinian Territory." The statement called the actions unacceptable.

The countries are joined by the United Nations in condemning the raids and closure of the Palestinian organizations.


Netherlands 'concerned' about Israeli raid of Palestinian human rights orga…
The Netherlands has expressed its disapproval of the Israeli raids of Palestinian civil society organizations on Aug. 18…
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Швеция: Мужчина убит и проходящая мимо женщина получила серьезные ранения в результате стрельбы в торговом центре Emporia в Мальмё в пятницу в 5 часов вечера. Киллер — 15-летний подросток из Гётеборга.

Убитый - известный полиции преступник, за голову которого конкуренты назначили плату.

Убийца - известный полиции преступник, сбежавший из "Дома заботы о сложных подростках." В Швеции обычно, что заказные убийства выполняются подростками т.к. наказания, которые они получают легки и скорее символичны: получит максимум 4 года в доме заботы.

Тяжелораненная женщина - 39-летняя туристка из Норвегии, по мнению полиции, оказавшаяся "в неправильном месте в неправильное время" (в 5 часов вечера в торговом центре).

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Argentina Inflation July 2022

Inflation comes in at highest level since our records began

Inflation rose to 71.0% in July from June’s 64.0%.
Consumer prices soared 7.41% from the previous month in July, accelerating from the 5.30% rise logged in June.

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Argentina Inflation July 2022
Consumer prices soared 7.41% from the previous month in July, accelerating from the 5.30% rise logged in June.
FocusEconomics | Economic Forecasts from…WWW.FOCUS-ECONOMICS.COM
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Куба переживает невиданный по глубине экономический кризис. Настроения в народе депрессивные, горькие и грозные

По всей стране электричество веерно отключается каждый день, причём регулярно на 20 часов в день (хотя чаще на 6-10-12 часов). Продукты, которых и так не хватает (в стране карточная система распределения), портятся на жаре немедленно, спекулянты взвинчивают цены на продукты, доставляемые ими из-за рубежа.

Многие кубинцы пытаются с бежать с острова. Цифры беженцев с Кубы побили все рекорды – включая все предыдущие волны бегства с острова.

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Положение на Кубе обостряется, хотя в туристических зонах пока спокойно, но…
Положение на Кубе обостряется и ухудшается, чем это грозит туризму, пока сложно сказать, но ждать улучшения смысла нет.
Деловой Монреаль - Новости Канады и Монр…WWW.WEMONTREAL.COM
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UK Inflation Hits 40-year High

Inflation in Britain jumped to a new 40-year high in July due to rising food prices, official statistics showed. Forecasts of a recession are added to the crisis of living costs, AFP reported.

Annual inflation in the United Kingdom accelerated in July to 10.1 percent from 9.4 percent in the previous period and slightly above market forecasts of 9.8 percent, official British statistics showed.

This is the highest inflation rate in Britain since February 1982.

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Bulgaria: The annual inflation for the month of July jumped 17%, and after the first seven months of the year, it is over 11%, with the biggest increase recorded in electricity, gas and fuel bills.

In July 2022, the monthly inflation was 1.1% compared to the previous month, and the annual inflation for July 2022 compared to July 2021 was 17.3%.

In July 2022, the prices of chocolate and chocolate products increased - by 4.1%, citrus and southern fruits - by 4.1%, cottage cheese - by 3.1%, cheese - by 2.9%, yogurt - by 2.9%, sugar - by 2.6 %, whole and low-fat fresh milk - by 2.6% each, brandies - by 2.4%, beer - by 2.3%, olives - by 2.2%, lentils - by 2.2%, margarine - by 2.1%, salt - by 2.1%, dairy oils - by 2.0%.

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Annual Inflation in Bulgaria for July Jumped above 17% - Novinite.com - Sof…
The annual inflation for the month of July jumped 17%, and after the first seven months of the year, it is over 11%, wit…
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(updated )

Доля евреев в населении Белостока

1765 - 22.4%

1808 - 66.6%

1895 - 76%

Российская перепись 1897 - 63%

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